Responsible events

Is it possible to gather a lot of people in a physical place and at the same time be sustainable? We know it is. But it requires insight and careful planning through every single step of the event.

A sustainable experience

​​When working with sustainability we always look at it from all perspectives – social, economic and environmental ensuring that all goals are met. This includes for example green venues, reusable materials, waste management, equality, inclusion and eco-friendly donations to sustainable charities.

Social sustainability

Consideration of the planet and environment is a natural part of everything we do, from concept to execution. But sustainability means so much more. It’s about looking at the world from a human perspective and constantly evaluating how we can contribute to a better society.

We do it by working with human organisations that strive to improve life for people in need of support, for example Räddningsmissionen, Stadsmissionen och Insamlingsstiftelsen för Drottning Silvias Barnsjukhus. We do it by bringing job opportunities to the location we choose for our events, by employing local labour and competences. And we do it through our Code of Conduct. Just like an ethical compass it makes sure that we always keep a human perspective in our daily work, internally and externally.

These are just a few examples. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about Hansen’s sustainability work, and how we can help you create more sustainable events.

Logistics that last

We prioritise and make sustainable transport options available for every participant in the event – guests, event hosts, speakers and other partners involved. Picking venues that are located close to train and bus stations is a good way to reduce the climate effect due to traveling. We also make sure that there are charging stations for electrical vehicles nearby venues and hotels.

When it comes to accommodation, our ambition is to offer 100% eco labelled hotels and conference facilities. So we make sure to work with operations with the same strong focus on sustainable options as we have.

With a taste for green

Greener events leave a better aftertaste, and there are a lot of ways to create sustainable options within food & beverages. Food waste, menu options, and environmentally friendly materials are just a few areas where we can make a difference.

Vegetarian options are always a part of the menu and WWF’s red list is a good way to ensure that alternatives from endangered species never are served. Working with seasonal ingredients is another way to create greener menus and even if we aim to reduce food waste as much as possible, the waste that does occur is always composted in the best possible way.

How we work

The bold opening number

Whether it’s a sequel or a brand new collaboration, we know that to create the best possible event, understanding and knowledge about the assignment is critical. Through different perspectives we form an insight platform that helps identify the task and present the right solutions moving forward.

Setting the right scene

We dig deeper into the specific challenges and analyse the tasks to find the best strategic road ahead. The outcome is a creative brief where the purpose and objectives of the assignment are clearly defined.

The story and how it’s best told

Now it’s time to turn the strategic findings into creative excellence that moves both brands and people. We make sure that the overall concept is carried out into powerful communication that can be applied in channels and formats needed for the specific event. From invitations and set design to event content and presentations.

The grand finale

Based on the creative concept we make sure that everything is realised. Including event management, sourcing, logistics, programs, organisation onsite and last but definitely not least – evaluation. The part where we gather all learnings and bring them into the next assignment. Because we will never rest, until better becomes best.

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